Real Nappies for London

You can use a voucher from your local council (RNfL) e.g. Lambeth £40 voucher against the cost of purchasing reusable nappies - apply here:


To use, enter code RNFL40 if you have a £40 voucher, RNFL50 if it's £50 or RNFL5415 if it's £54.15

Then email your voucher to

We will need to receive your voucher before we can process your order. 


Please ensure you spend the full value of your voucher on qualifying items - nappies, wraps, boosters, liners, muslins and nappy nippas all qualify. Accessories like wet bags, wipes, and buckets do not. 



  • Why can't I find the box to put the code in?

It's likely an automatic discount is already applied - check bundle discounts. RNfL vouchers cannot be applied in conjunction with multibuy offers or other discount codes.

If you have any issues using your voucher, please don't hesitate to e-mail us -
It is helpful if you can include a screenshot of your basket.


  • Why am I being charged for postage?
The nappies you buy are paid for by your council via RNfL. They do not cover postage. B-eco-me pays for the postage on every order with 'free postage'.
The way it works on the website is as a discount, not as a method of payment.
If your order is £45 above the voucher value, your postage will be free (paid for by us).